A study published in 2008 has results that will make you wonder whether back surgery is always necessary .
In the study, researchers followed 102 patients with disk herniations
confirmed by MRI and sciatic/leg pain while they waited to see a spinal
surgeon. The patients had also previously tried four weeks of
medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory [..]
Most chiropractic patients with low back pain have x-rays taken of their lumbar spine following a comprehensive examination. Since x-rays do carry a very small risk of tissue damage, this risk needs to be outweighed by the benefits that could be gained by taking such films. So, how are x-rays used in a chiropractic office? [..]
Back problems can cause a good deal of worry and for good reason. Any problem that doesn't go away on its own in a reasonable period of time should be a cause for concern. Rarely, severe back pain can be caused by tumors and other destructive processes, so it's important to have these serious conditions [..]
The body is an interconnected whole and needs to be looked at as such in order to get at the root of a spinal problem. We are all familiar with low back trauma, bending, and stooping in awkward positions to lift something from a trunk, or the slip and fall on ice. In these examples, [..]
Because it's estimated that 80% of us will suffer a severe back pain episode at some point in our lives, it would certainly be beneficial to discuss the topic of preventing back injuries in the first place. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are two aspects to [..]
Two things that are epidemic in the United States and many Western countries are low back pain and obesity. The two go hand-in-hand and while excessive weight may not be the only cause of your pain, it does makes matters worse by aggravating your pain through increased loading on the disks of the lower back. [..]
Many patients perform some self-care when they first hurt their lower back, hoping this will keep them out of a doctor's office. While home remedies can sometimes make the pain go away, sometimes they don't. It just depends on what you try. When the back is first hurt, it's often a sprain/strain type of injury [..]
We all know it's important to maintain good back health by doing things that help strengthen it and avoid the things that cause harm. This is just common sense. But just what are the "things" we need to avoid and what are some simple activities we can do to prevent back problems from occurring in [..]
Subluxation is a term used by some chiropractors to describe a dysfunction involving the vertebral joints when such joints are out of their normal position. But how does a joint get out of its normal position? Usually, the culprit is some sort of trauma but not necessarily at the level of a high fall or [..]
People who injure their lower back
on the job often consult a chiropractor. A 2007 study (J Occup Environ
med 2007;49:1124;Wasiak R, Kim J, Pransky GS) looked at the use of
chiropractic care to treat on-the-job low back injuries and found that
about 89% of workers included in the study initiated chiropractic care
within 30 [..]