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Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes

We often read about what to do for low back pain (LBP), but now let's look at LBP from the perspective of “what NOT to do!” ICE vs. HEAT: If you ask your doctor, “what’s better for my back, ice or heat?” the answer is either one or the other or, “…whichever you like better.” [..]

Low Back Pain and Travel Tips (Part 3)

Low back pain (LBP) and the discussion of traveling tips will be concluded this month. Please refer to the last two months for other great traveling tips. Keep a copy of these in your travel bag! BE PROACTIVE WITH THE AIRLINES: 1. Get an aisle seat. Request an aisle seat out of “medical necessity.” By [..]

Low Back Pain and Travel Tips (Part 2)

Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem associated with traveling. Last month, we covered lifting remedies, and this month we will continue this discussion… Medication Foresight: Get a prescription: If you know your prescription will run out prior to your return from traveling, either get it re-filled before you leave or get a prescription [..]

Low Back Pain and Travel Tips

Low back pain (LBP) is a common complaint when it comes to traveling, whether it’s in a car, bus, train, or airplane. Traveling is hard on the joints, muscles and nerves for many reasons and requires us to do things our bodies are not used to, such as prolonged sitting in a cramped area. Remember [..]

Low Back Pain and Balance Specific Exercises

Low back pain (LBP) and its relationship to balance has been a recent topic on this site, and an initial discussion regarding specific balance exercises was introduced last month. This month’s article will complete the discussion about what you can do to preserve your current balance skills or better yet, improve them! Remember, wear your [..]

Low Back Pain and Balance.

Statistically, most people (estimated to be about 90%) will seek care for Low Back Pain (LBP) at some point in their lifetime. Last month, we discussed the role foot orthotics play in the management of LBP by improving balance, and it seems appropriate to discuss other ways we can improve our balance, hence the topic [..]

Low Back Pain, Balance, and Foot Orthotics

Low back pain (LBP) can result from many causes, and sometimes it just occurs for reasons that are not clear, such as the accumulation of stresses that occur over time. Many causes of low back pain have been described such as bending over “wrong,” combined bending and twisting, lifting, over reaching, climbing, sitting too long, [..]

Low Back Pain and Sleep (Part 3)

For the last two months (Part 1 and Part 2), we’ve discussed the importance of sleep and its effect on low back pain (LBP). Last month, we offered 9 ways to improve sleep quality, and this month we will conclude this topic with 11 more. Sleep deprivation has been called, “…an epidemic” by the Centers [..]

Low Back Pain and Sleep (Part 2)

Last month, we discussed the relationship between sleep deprivation and low back pain (LBP) and found that LBP can cause sleep loss AND sleep loss can cause LBP. It’s a two-way street! This month, we will look at ways to improve your sleep quality, which in return, will reduce your LBP. There are many ways [..]

Low Back Pain and Sleep (Part 1)

Low back pain (LBP) can arise from a lot of causes, most commonly from bending, lifting, pulling, pushing, and twisting. However, there are other possible causes, including sleep. This not only includes sleeping in a crooked or faulty position, such as falling asleep on a couch, in a chair, or while riding in a car, [..]